Net Sales

Target: Hexagon's target is to reach an annual average sales growth of 8-12 per cent between 2022 - 2026. The targeted sales growth is driven by a combination of 5-7 per cent organic growth per year and 3-5 per cent structural growth per year from acquisitions.

In 2023, operating net sales amounted to 5 440,0 MEUR (5 175,5). Organic growth amounted to 7 per cent.

Operating Margin

Target: Hexagon's target is to reach an operating margin of more than 30 per cent by the end of 2026.

In 2023, the adjusted operating margin amounted to 29.4 per cent. This is an increase of 0.1 percentage points compared to 2022.

Earnings Per Share

Target: Hexagon's target is to increase earnings per share by at least 15 per cent annually. Hexagon considers strong growth in earnings per share to be the best way to measure shareholder value.

In 2023, earnings per share increased by -15 per cent and amounted to 32,0 Euro cent.

Equity Ratio

Target: Hexagon's target is to have an equity ratio of at least 25 per cent. A high equity ratio is a requirement for financing acquisitions by borrowings.

At the end of 2023, the equity ratio amounted to 60 per cent.

Cash Flow

Target: Hexagon's target is to have a positive cash flow over a business cycle. A strong cash generation is necessary to pay for investments, servicing debt and paying dividends to shareholders.

In 2023, cash flow from operating activities amounted to 1 451,9 MEUR. Operating cash flow amounted to 772,1 MEUR.

Return on Capital Employed

Target: The long-term return on capital employed over a business cycle should amount to more than 15 per cent annually.

At the end of 2023, capital employed amounted to 14 186,4 MEUR. Return on average capital employed was 11 per cent.
